
Top Trends in Product Design from CES 2024

As an industrial design agency driven by innovation, we’ve naturally been keeping a close eye on CES 2024, sussing out the latest trends and more.
January 11, 2024

As an industrial design agency driven by innovation, we’ve naturally been keeping a close eye on CES 2024, sussing out the latest product design trends, technology developments and product launches. As the week progresses the design team have highlighted their standout design so far...

Artificial Intelligence

The running theme for the show has (surprise, surprise) been Artificial Intelligence (AI), yet there are a few things that have stood out from the rest. These include the Rabbit pocket companion designed in collaboration with Teenage Engineering, Moxie the children's Edtech robot and the AI animal spotting Swarovski Optik binoculars. Interestingly the Rabbit and binoculars come without a subscription. Whilst this might come as a breath of fresh air to consumers, subscriptions are the way tech businesses typically make money and maintain operating systems. Whilst the $4,799 of the Swarovski Optik would be less eye-watering if this fee was spread out over time, the small one-off $199 price tag for the Rabbit pocket companion has us questioning where the real value lies.

Design for typically overlooked user groups

There has been no shortage of products for the wellness space. A real standout to the team was the walking assist belt from WiRobotics. The walking aid is great for people with Parkinson's or who have suffered from a stroke. It can also be used for rehab and muscle regeneration. We loved the colour choice for the demo model too. We’re seeing the orange trend continue into 2024. A notable mention should go to Evie, similar to Aura but specifically for women's health. A clever but simple feature in the design is how it adapts to finger size throughout the year plus the dialed-in data for cycles and fertility. As a female-founded design agency, it’s refreshing to see this level of detail in the femtech space.

Off-grid solutions

The evolution of home electrification is a big focus for the Morrama team at the moment. We see off-grid living, AV charging and battery storage going mainstream. Interestingly the design of these are often overly masculine and we’d love to see more thought around accessibility. But that's a post for another day. What stood out to us was the idea of capturing water from the air and harvesting this yourself… as a consumer product. The Genisis Water Cube stood out as a consumer product capturing water from the air, something for those wanting to secure water resources and catering to off-grid living at the (definitely not accessible) price point of $20k.

The beginning of the end for the television

Finally we touch on home entertainment and ask ourselves whether the traditional television is disappearing for good. LG introduced the "world's first wireless transparent display" redefining how we perceive and interact with screens. Samsung revealed its enhanced Ballie robot, which now features a projector function that allows users to display video and moving imagery around the home – including workout sessions, virtual calls and comforts for those with four-legged friends, and Xiaomi's presence in the market further underscores the industry-wide trend. We are excited for how removing the TV screen from the living room unlocks new possibilities for interior, industrial and interaction design. It also elevates the immersive quality of entertainment, as it’s no longer limited by screen size, and promotes portability, enabling a seamless transition between home, travel, and destination.

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Andy Trewin Hutt, Ben Melvin, Ben Polhill and Jo Barnard

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