Wype Dispenser

Reducing bathroom waste

Project team
Juliette Bouilly, Jo Barnard, Harry Mason


The brief was to eliminate single use wet wipes through refillable design.


Wet wipes contribute to 93% of sewer blockages in the UK, in a typical beach clean, 12 wet wipes are picked off the beach every 100 meters and most wet wipes breakdown into micro-plastics.


A beautifully designed, patent pending pump that dispenses the gel out of 6 spaced holes, allowing you to spread the gel onto toilet tissue with greater, more even, surface coverage.

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Patent pending design

Gels and sprays exist that you apply to toilet paper to ‘turn it into a wet wipe’. However, they typically apply only to a single area, causing the paper to get too wet and rip.

So we designed a patent pending pump that dispenses the gel out of 6 spaced holes, allowing you to spread the gel onto toilet tissue with greater, more even, surface coverage. Perhaps not the most glamorous of products, this tackles a genuine problem that costs councils millions each year in clean up, not to mention the environmental costs on our water-ways and oceans.

In addition to helping remove the need for wet wipes, the pump comes with recyclable aluminium refills, eliminating all single use plastic.

After a successful crowdfund in Autumn 2021, Wype is set to launch in February.

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